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Responsible Education of Architects – Experience From International Research Projects at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture

Ana Nikezić
Ana Nikezić
Contact Ana Nikezić

Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia


EAAE Charter on Architectural Research states that architecture is facing challenges of globalization, rapid urbanization, ecological disturbance and social transformation that necessitate permanent development in the field of education [1]. Educators, in particular, faculties and universities, need to understand and explain those changes and find a way to broaden the competencies of future generations to accept and deepen a responsible attitude towards the environment. Apart from permanent curricula improvements and innovative ways of intertwining research and teaching into a unique educational agenda, one of the essential components is also internationalization, both on the level of the study program and the level of student and staff mobility. The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture is determined to strategically enhance the educational process through internationalization under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Green Deal and New European Bauhaus. In that way, research and education expand horizons mutually, with international experience and expertise widening our knowledge and learning to accept differences and responsibilities as educators and architects.


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