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The article proposals are to be submitted to the email address SOME@org. The papers should be prepared using MS Word 2003 or a later program version. All contributions to the journal are published in the English language. The paper must not exceed 8000 words, including the main title, abstract, keyword, tables, references, figure captions, and endnotes. Designations such as DOI, UDC, date of paper submission, date of paper acceptance, and bilingual information are entered by the journal Editors. International Journal of All Studies uses the IEEE citation style. The papers should be submitted in the following MSWord template according to the technical guidelines.

Technical Guidelines+Template (.doc)

All papers are subject to the double-anonymous peer-review process and plagiarism check. After the paper has been approved by the Editors, as suitable for the journal, it will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. The choice of reviewers is at the Editors’ discretion. The Editors-in-Chief and Section Editors will match the papers with reviewers who are experts in the field of research but are not from the author’s institution and do not have recent joint publications with any of the authors. The reviewers of the same paper act independently and are not aware of each other’s identities. In case the review reports contain the opposite decision (accept/reject) or categorization of the article, the Editors-in-Chief and Section Editors may assign additional reviewers.

Articles Classification

Research article: these papers are fully documented, interpreted accounts of significant findings of original research conducted using scientific methods. Suggested standard structure of the body of research is according to the IMRAD pattern (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion).

Review articles: these are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of a subject through thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence. Paper offers a new synthesis based on a review of the latest works on a particular subject area, which is made by summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating in order to show a regularity, rule, trend or cause-and-effect relationship with respect to the investigated phenomena.

Short communications: these can be contributions of original research referring to case studies and technical aspects or policy briefs that present outcomes and lessons learned from various initiatives. Short communications are concise manuscripts, shorter than the typical full-format articles.

Scientific critique, debate or overview is a discussion on a particular topic, based solely on scientific arguments, where the author(s) proves the correctness of certain criteria of her or his opinions, or confirms or refutes the findings of other authors.